lundi 5 mars 2012

How to grow a house

1. Dig a big hole.
2. Throw in lots of money.
3. Repeat.
4. Repeat.
5. Repeat.
6. Et voilà!

Spring is in the air, along with the usual "giboulées de mars" (translation: probably similar to what we call April showers but everything happens earlier on this side of the Atlantic...).

Like spring flowers, our house is taking root and sprouting out of its hole with surprising speed. This week they are completing the foundations and laying the ground floor concrete. Then they will start building up the wood frame structure. So far so good. Famous last words?

Speaking of words, one of our future next-door neighbours whose house is just getting the finishing touches apparently had a hissy fit with our bricklayer because some of our dirt was on their property. The poor man seemed quite shaken up by the vehemence of her reaction, not to mention her language. She apparently neglected to notice that a huge mound of their dirt has been on our property line for the past several months.

I have not met the lovely lady yet but apparently she is a real Parisian (read fish-wife.) As in shout first, ask questions later. This does not bode well for future neighbourly relations as Stefan and I are both rather allergic to the typical French persona. The good news is that we have heard only good things about the other neighbours who all apparently hail from somewhere else. American, Australian, Scottish, Swiss. And now Canadian. I will keep you posted on any future diplomatic incidents.

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